Ministering To Marriages
Ministering To Marriages

Monday Apr 29, 2024
A Practical Guide To Getting To Deeper Levels Of Conversation
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
We have spoken to SO MANY couples that really struggle with overcoming "surface level" communication and getting to talking about the deeper things of themselves and their relationship. Today we talk practically about the things that we have found lead to deeper levels of communication. Let's get into that!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
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Monday Apr 08, 2024
Top 5 Things We Have Learned In 40 Years Of Life
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Monday Apr 08, 2024
In honor of both Nathan and Andrea turning 40 this year, they take a look at their top 5 things that they have learned during their first 40 years. Hopefully you are able to take what they have learned and build on that in your life! Let's get into that!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
Want to respond? Holler at us at any of the social spots below!
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Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
On today's Marriage Monday, Nathan and Andrea continue their series taking a look at some of the influences around us that can be the most destructive forces on our marriages. The second one in this series is a troubling one. Can Christian organizations - and even the Church itself be destructive for marriages? Let's get into that!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
Want to respond? Holler at us at any of the social spots below!
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Want to support us financially? Click below!

Monday Dec 11, 2023
Let’s Talk About The Christian Response To Christmas
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
On today's Marriage Monday, Nathan and Andrea dig into the timely topic of Christmas. How should the Christian couple be thinking about Christmas? What about the secular parts of Christmas, the commercialization of the season, and what do we do about Santa? It is time for us to have some real talk. Let's get into that!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
Want to respond? Holler at us at any of the social spots below!
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Want to support us financially? Click below!

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
On today's Marriage Monday, Nathan and Andrea unpack an issue that comes up regularly with couples that they mentor. Hobbies. Friends. Interests. Sure, they existed prior to the marriage, but now that we are married and have "become one" shouldn't we ditch those previous hobbies, friends, and interests and just invest in our life together? At the end of the day, it all boils down to balance, counting the cost, and thinking of your spouse first! Let's get into that!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
Want to respond? Holler at us at any of the social spots below!
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Want to support us financially? Click below!

Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Upcoming episode on Marriage By Design drops on Monday! Subscribe to the channel now so that you don't miss out!!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
Want to respond? Holler at us at any of the social spots below!
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Want to support us financially? Click below!

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Q&A! Nathan and Andrea hit up the mailbag and answer a question. Check it out and please share this video/audio with couples in your life that are looking for a church themselves!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
Want to respond? Holler at us at any of the social spots below!
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Want to support us financially? Click below!

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Q&A! Nathan and Andrea hit up the mailbag and answer a question. Check it out and please share this video/audio with someone who is moving into this stage of life!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
Want to respond? Holler at us at any of the social spots below!
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Want to support us financially? Click below!

Monday Oct 16, 2023
The Intimacy Table - Spiritual Intimacy In Marriage Begins With YOU!
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Spiritual intimacy can be a really difficult thing to think about within marriage. Often times we are satisfied as couples just to know that we "believe the same general things". But do not be fooled! Spiritual "sameness" is not the same as spiritual intimacy. The former is easy - the latter takes discipline, intentionality, and your own deep devotion to God. But spiritual intimacy is only two steps away in your marriage! Let's get into that!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
Want to respond? Holler at us at any of the social spots below!
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Want to support us financially? Click below!

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Quick Hits - 90 Second Q&A
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Q&A! Nathan and Andrea hit up the mailbag and answer the question - ""How do we transition the marriage from having kids to being empty nesters?" Check it out and please share this video/audio with someone who is moving into this stage of life!

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Gen-Z Men No Longer Interested In Dating......And Why It Matters For YOU!
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Today Nathan and Andrea consider an article written by Aldo Buttazzoni entitled "I am Gen Z. Men in my generation are not dating. Why should we?" You can access the original article HERE. Why is it that men are so unmotivated to date in this environment? Have the decisions made 20+ years ago finally come back to haunt us? What does this mean for your children? What does it mean for this country? Let's get into that!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
Want to respond? Holler at us at any of the social spots below!
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Want to support us financially? Click below!