
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Going Back To "Naked & Unashamed"
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Shame is such a huge part of what it means to be human. Where does it come from? Well, in short - it comes right from the beginning of the fall of man. Our perceived failures to meet a standard leads to shame and that shame can lead to a meltdown in our marriages as we hide and blame in an attempt to ease our shame. NO MORE! It is time to get back to "naked and unashamed." Let's get into that!
Marriage By Design is a channel dedicated to digging into God's design for marriage and family - as well as talking practically live that out in our marriages and families. Our goal is to leave you encouraged that you CAN do marriage and family by God's design and to give you HOPE that God IS FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
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